Sunday, April 28, 2019

Day 26, 27, and 28 - NaPoWriMo

Truth and Reconciliation

This land was not empty when the first explorers arrived,
but the indigenous people were ignored and pushed onto tiny plots of land.
Centuries of mistreatment and misunderstanding followed.
Children were taken from their homes,
their languages taken from their mouths,
their culture taken from themselves.
Recently a committee was set to document the history
and lasting impacts of the ‘residential schools’ in Canada.
The final report of 2015 detailed 94 ‘calls to action’ regarding reconciliation.
As of April 5, only 10 are complete.

© April 2019


Without bees, there would be no almonds.
Fruits like apples, blueberries, and cherries would
also disappear. I do not like this future. I will plant
more black-eyed susans and marigolds. I will give
bees what they need: my respect.

© April 2019 


A number of a class made famous by a book. 
Not odd at all or part of a sequence made famous
by the ‘most talented mathematician of the Middle Ages’.
Its presence on a certain spider’s back should have signalled fear
to a certain high school student named Peter. Yes, its related; don’t’ panic.
On making your journey through death, answer all questions asked.
So, is it perfect? No, it is only 
a primary pseudoperfect number.

© April 2019

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...