Monday, April 23, 2018

Day 22 and 23 of Poetry Month 2018

Pantoum of the Future

The day’s begun with promise and
with joy. All sunlight breaks through
windows of ice and glaciers
showing off the majestic Rockies.

With joy, all sunlight breaks through
misery and painful memories,
showing off the majestic Rockies.
Our days begins anew.

Misery and painful memories,
thought hidden from reality, breaks forth.
Our days begin anew
and work begins again to heal.

Thought hidden from reality, breaks forth
the power of precious few
and work begin again to heal.
This day will see the end of sorrow.

© 2018 Catherine Woods

To Hold the Jar

The blacksmith forged a woman, desired by all
Given in marriage, gifted with a jar; contents unknown
released by curiosity, all evils are released
And we still pay the price for weaknesses 
of those cannot just leave our selves alone

© 2018 Catherine Woods

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...