Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Day 18 of Poetry Month

Some day the muse is receptive to my call, some days she's not. Today I was lucky.

Be Mine

Would, that I could, be yours
Hold time within my grasp
Hold you without sorry, without distress, without pain,
Without explanation. I feel you pull away. I feel
A part of you is gone.
I’ve lost your centre, your presence, your attention,
Your love. You are down the road. That road, we all travel
From birth to death,
From loving to hating,
From peace to altercation.
Reaching for your hand, I miss and take only the summer air
To walk with me along this path.
Please slow so I catch up
Or doddle so we meet again.
Turn back to me so I can speak these words to your eyes alone
“I love you”.

© Catherine Woods 2017

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

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