Friday, May 3, 2019

School strike for climate action - Friday

The Young Will Inherit Our Problems

rise up and leave the classroom.
go out the door and walk down the road with
hundreds, maybe thousands, of fellow students,
who will march forsaking every plan made in their name,
pointing out mistakes and lies,
covering up the bees and flowers,
opening the poor and weary to the hate
that they do not deserve.

rise up and leave your youth.
grow up much faster than you should.
take the reins that others have left hanging
by the roadside on their way to apathy and hate.
assume the leadership that should not be yours
for many years, for the leaders are weak and useless.
we cannot hold onto the promise we made to you
to protect, to keep you safe and warm,
until the time when you would take the lead.

rise up and leave the comfort of your home.
march down the highway, gather strength along the way
and, with one voice, demand the change that must be made
for you and me and all of us to live upon this earth, for
there is no planet B.

© May 2019

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...