Saturday, April 15, 2017

Day 15th of Poetry Month

What is poetry? After what I've written today, I am not sure. So I put it out there for comments.


It’s morning and, as I eat breakfast, I turn on my phone.
Swipe, swipe, and click. And Twitter opens.

Destination BC @HelloBC  1 minute ago:  Looking for a place to relax on your next trip to BC? Check out our top 5 hot springs. #exploreBC
With breakfast done, I make myself a coffee; one milk, no sugar.
As I sip my dark roast, I swipe.

Dr. Michael Breus@thesleepdoctor  2 minutes ago: Sleep Tip: Beans and other legumes are packed with vitamin Bs, such as B6, B12, & folic acid which help you to relax & sleep. #foodforsleep
30% of nights are restless.
So 70% are good. Why am I always so pessimistic?

Herdwick Shepherd@herdyshepherd1  2 hours ago: Ewes and lambs everywhere
It’s been many years since we travelled to England.
Searching for ancestors, searching through history, searching for relatives.

Jeff Harrington@JHarringtonTV  3 hours ago: ONCE warm front moves in, temperatures will spike in GTHA! Bulk of wet weather is done, winds will pick up too! @weathernetwork
The sun is shining here. There are grey clouds, but there is no rain. So much rain last month,
So much darkness in March, but I am not sad.

Edmonton Oilers @EdmontonOilers  5 hours ago: "They've waited a long time for this & we want to make them proud." @zkassian9 on #Oilers fans & boisterous "KASSIAN!" chants last night
Finally there’s something to watch on TV. Two months of ice hockey playoffs.
Maybe a Canadian team will win the Stanley Cup this year. Think positive!

Ladies Learning Code @learningcode  6 hours ago: A round of applause to @bpoetz for teaching, our amazing #HamOnt mentors for supporting, & @CoMotion302 for hosting today's Python workshop!
In 1979 I was one of three women in my graduating class. The number of women in programming
has not really changed since I graduated.
I want to know why. I want to change the system.

Maria Popova @brainpicker  6 hours ago: Leonardo da Vinci was born on this day in 1452.  His forgotten anatomical drawings were centuries ahead of medicine …
Useless information is my middle name.

MLB @MLB  9 hours ago: For the number on the back. #Jackie42
Black is still black, and white is still white. People are still racist. Nothing changes.
No one learns. No one cares.

Just one more swipe, one more click, one more …

Mother, put down the phone and walk away.

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...