Monday, February 5, 2018

It's time

Too many people are sitting around and not saying anything. Not doing their part, not opening their mouths, and letting their issues be known.

Well it's time to speak up.

Man, You’re Not Listening

You offer me soft tissues and pink razors.
You open the door in front of me and stand
when I enter the room. You hide the ugliness and
filth from my eyes, but you won’t
give me a break or
equal pay for equal work, or
my right to protect my own body.

I want to be considered a welcome partner in this world, but
you don’t see my choices or reasons as mine to make or
mine to give. You just want all of the power. You just want
all of the glory. You just want a world full of men just like you.

Well, sorry bud, it don’t work that way.

© 2018 Catherine Woods

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...