Thursday, November 5, 2020

In the middle of so many events

 Trapped Everywhere

Back again out west after only 6 weeks,

he has escaped the red zone of gym closures,

groups of only family members,

no trick-or-treating for the youngsters,

only take-out from restaurants again.

Mandatory masks here, there, and everywhere inside.

Headline: Ontario—There’s a run on regular flu shots, up 500% over last year

He flew back home yesterday morning, but 

our numbers are rising as well (official word at 3pm).

Do we say he’s now trapped here? Until January at least

when he flies east again to pack up belongings, 

sell his car to a friend instead of shipping it back 

(pays for the move and other incidentals, like food).

 Headline: BC has recorded its 3 HIGHEST COVID-19 case days ever

© November 2020


There is no way to grip 

to push hard, to reach 

past boundaries of forgotten

issues and emotions;

black is absence,

black is untrue.

It is dark and I see no things

with which to grab, no pivot point

to claim an anchor for this body,

this consciousness,

black is hell,

black is a deep dark hole exposed.

Sunlight pulls me out of

nightmares, future crises;

yellow sun, bright with hope and

laughter, singing Hallelujah as K.D.

brought us out of troubled times,

voices blended to lift us all out onto

a golden path to joyfulness.

© October 2020


Sorrow is a small grey bird that flits and swoops about 
the meadow that is quickly disappearing from our land.

Fury is a large cat that is endangered and dangerous,
feminine and feline, regal and ruddy, gaunt and haughty.

Time is that furry mammal that downs the majestic birch 
to build a home for her ever-increasing colony of kits.

Happiness is a cetacean that carries her dead calf for 17 days 
in mourning and then give birth a year later to a healthy male.

© October 2020

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...