Saturday, June 6, 2020

A remembrance of Vancouver Island

Long Beach, Vancouver Island

On the ancestoral lands of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations

After the long drive across the island
through Cathedral Grove, turn north
at the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve sign,
and drive about 15 kilometers on a passable road,
past groups of tsunami placards along Highway 4
to arrive at the open sandy Long Beach.
As the sun slides over the Clayoquot Plateau,
an almost empty broad shore invites outsiders
to behold perfection along with surfers heading out
to be swept back in by the heavy autumn waves
of the mighty Pacific. In another month,
every swell will be filled by daredevils
from all over, though maybe this year
there won’t be as many or they’ll try to
keep apart, or just sit on the beached driftwood
that have rested on the beach for decades, to become
hypothesized with those returning waves,
inching closer and closer to Purple Shore crabs
running the beach trail for food or
protection by Incinerator Rock’s crevices.
As sunset colours the clouds red indigo blue
to the west, the howl of the sea wolves
tells you it is time to go inside.

© June 2020

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...