Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Day 29 and 30 - NaPoWriMo


The hairdresser I’ve been using for the past twenty years
(give or take a year) has retired to cruise the world’s ocean
(while they’re still around), so I’m currently in the hunt
for a new one. Not as simple as ‘googling’ hairdressers in my area, and
saying she’s for me. When you have a favourite, she or he is like
a member of your family (like a bartender, someone you can spill
your darkest secrets to, knowing they never tell anyone you know
what you told them). When you lose them, you feel lost and out of sorts and
your hair just misbehaves (as if it knows you’re in-between stylists),
causing you to skip a meeting here or a party there, because you don’t
want to be seen looking as you do. Like you’re badly in need of a haircut.

© April 2019


To whom it may concern:
enclosed are 5 poems as entries for your contest.
I believe they fit the topic you outlined, in some small way,
they meet format you requested,
and fulfill the tasks as hand. I have been published once before,
about 8 years ago, in a very minor local chapbook-style magazine,
put out by local poets trying to build a press for inspired works,
and maybe win an award or 2. (I do not believe they have, won anything,
that is.) I appeared in consecutive issues, and then never again; 
not without trying by entering contest after contest from Canada, US, and 
even the UK. I hear I’m close, the judges say they like my style, but the polish 
is bright enough, the tone a little off. Maybe I need another course
in writing fundamentals. Maybe I need to just let go and write about
what matters most to me. I have a blog if you’re interested in 
reading that. I hope you’ll read the 5 enclosed and see a spark 
of creativity and want to see some more.

Thank you for your time and may your day be filled with words exceptional.

© April 2019 

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...