Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Have we broken the earth?

A day after Manchester 2017, I wonder if we have broken our home, have we messed up the earth so much that nothing will fix it but us being gone.

Too Many of Us

The earth is full of humans, old and grey,
getting older by the minute, forced to fit;
little space to breathe among the ruins,
we pray for newly born who’ll save.

This time we pray for peace, this time to purchase
the rights (and not the wrongs) of children,
and everywhere this is less space for turtles,
for polar bears, for buffalos, for you.

It pains to see the water rise, the icebergs melt,
a relentless all-encompassing ache  
so deep it is within the cells of each existence;
have you a fix to this earth’s broken life?

Have you considered what will happen now
or have you given up the chance redemption?

© Catherine Woods 2017

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For shame. I've forgotten to post.

Just realized I haven't posted since last May. I'll try to be better in future. Dust to Dust Someone let a fly inside the house inst...