Monarch Tavern
dingy stairwell up
book launch party
everybody knew somebody
except me
their loss
© February 2020
Something Borrowed Something Blue
You wore your Mother’s organza wedding dress
I wore the grey suit we picked up at the mall.
Your mother did your nails with new clear polish,
you did mine when the others had gone to bed.
My mother lent you the long string of pearls
her mother gave her when I was born.
The maid of honour picked bluebells from the parish meadow
we held them as we walked down the aisle together.
The service was blend of faiths, led by your brother who implied
his attendance would legitimize our union in some eyes. We did not care.
© February 2020
Departure at 6
I’m walking out the door. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning.
I left a note for you upon the table in the kitchen,
the one you sit at every morning when you listen
to the news and complain about how the world
is going all to hell. The chicken is defrosting in the sink.
I’m climbing on the bus. It’s just passed 6:19am.
Your alarm would have gone off 4 minutes ago, but
I won’t be there to ‘hit the snooze bar’ so you’ll be
wide awake and yelling out my name so loud
the neighbour’s dog will bark, their baby might start crying.
I’m sitting on the train that is about to leave for Montreal.
Who knows if I’ll get off before I reach the border of Quebec
and travel south to New York City and visit Papa Claude.
You’ve texted me eight times since 7:23am. Last one was in ALL CAPS
Across from Pennsylvania Station, I’m sipping a caramel macchiato
while I decide whether to use all your American cash to pay
for a ticket to Hamilton at the Richard Rogers Theatre on Broadway.
It’ll be a very good seat, right down in the orchestra. Thanks so much.
© January 2020
École Polytechnique 1989
For the 14 women who lost their lives for being women
Thirty years has passed. Their names, their gender, their dreams
are not forgotten. Flags fly at half-mast, prayers are said, moments
of silence observed throughout the country. His name, unfortunately,
is also remembered along with his acts of separation and of murder.
We have come so far from that December 6th, and yet not far enough.
© December 2019